It’s not that I have a fear of flying. Well, at least not a travel-altering fear of flying. I can endure a little knuckle-whitening to arrive at a destination where a single layer of clothing -- or less -- is the only one required and the only salt on the road is spilled by the Morton Salt Umbrella Girl. And it’s not those ubiquitous Cinnabon shops. I adore cinnamon -- adore it -- but the gooey over-sized yeast rolls have never held much allure for me.
What stops me in my tracks -- every single time -- is those danged “Find A Word” books in airport bookshops. Even though I've never actually bought one, I can't walk past one, either. Because believe me, I can flat out find a word. What I can’t do is not find a word. And while I’ll resist actually picking up the book (which would almost surely result in a missed flight), I can’t stop myself from finding and mentally circling every word or close-to-word on the front cover.
For a while, The Charlotte Observer ran an amusing little series featuring two seemingly identical pictures, side-by-side. The reader’s challenge was to find the maddeningly slight, doctored-up differences between the two. Let’s just say it was a good thing the series didn’t run when the kids were babies requiring every-other-hour-feedings, or at least one of them might still be suffering from malnutrition.
Which is all to say that you know there’s no way I could pass up this challenge: To raise awareness of breast cancer and the importance of mammograms, Charlotte Radiology has placed pink tires in front of businesses around Charlotte. Our mission? To find the tires and post pictures on Facebook. For every photo posted, a dollar will be donated to Ann’s Fund, which helps underprivileged women get mammograms.
Are you kidding me?
I spotted one of the tires before I even knew what this was all about. And let me tell you, those tires are some kind of pink. And, thanks to modern technology, every single one of us has a camera with us at all times. Although I'll be the first to admit that it's my kids who remind me, "Mom, why don't you just use your phone to take a picture?"
For a while, The Charlotte Observer ran an amusing little series featuring two seemingly identical pictures, side-by-side. The reader’s challenge was to find the maddeningly slight, doctored-up differences between the two. Let’s just say it was a good thing the series didn’t run when the kids were babies requiring every-other-hour-feedings, or at least one of them might still be suffering from malnutrition.
Which is all to say that you know there’s no way I could pass up this challenge: To raise awareness of breast cancer and the importance of mammograms, Charlotte Radiology has placed pink tires in front of businesses around Charlotte. Our mission? To find the tires and post pictures on Facebook. For every photo posted, a dollar will be donated to Ann’s Fund, which helps underprivileged women get mammograms.
Are you kidding me?
Who would even have to think about this? What could be easier? Smarter? Or more fun?
I spotted one of the tires before I even knew what this was all about. And let me tell you, those tires are some kind of pink. And, thanks to modern technology, every single one of us has a camera with us at all times. Although I'll be the first to admit that it's my kids who remind me, "Mom, why don't you just use your phone to take a picture?"
What a great cause. Won't you help? C'mon. Pull out that iPhone.
I wish I had a "pink" recipe to share, but since I'm well over the age of eight, those recipes are in short supply.
What I do have, though, is Darling Daughter's "Blueberry Lemonade." It's a repeat of a recipe I used over a year ago, when DD wanted to make Pink Lemonade.
In fact, I think I'll dedicate this post to DD -- and the many other young women who will work to make sure that every woman in need gets the mammogram she deserves.
DD’s Blueberry Lemonade
(serves two)
2 large lemons, juiced
1/ 1/2 cups water
1/3 cup sugar
a dozen blueberries, pressed through a fine sieve
additional blueberries for garnish
Pour the lemon juice, water and sugar into a pitcher. Stir, vigorously, until sugar is dissolved. Stir in strained blueberries. Pour over ice. Garnish with whole blueberries. Drink while dancing.