Friday, March 30, 2012

Soap -- It's Not
Just For Washing Any More

I sleep with a bar of soap.

It's not what you think.  Unless you think that a white cake of Dial or Irish Spring (but not Ivory or Dove) has magical, medicinal powers, fending off muscle cramps, back spasms, migraine headaches, and perhaps, even the common cold, in which case, it is exactly what you think.

This past August, in the wake of my questionable decision to sign up for the Cooper River Bridge Run, I threw out my back.  It was a kind of routine injury for me, but this time, I really did it good -- teary-eyed and crumpled on the floor, before being driven to the doctor by my teenaged son.

Few things bring on unsolicited advice -- both medical and not -- like a doctor's visit.  Well-meaning friends and family suggested all kinds of cures -- heating pads and ice  packs, exercise and bedrest, hot tea and Scotch, massages and chiropractic treatment all made the list.  As did soap.

No kidding.  A close family member suggested that I tuck a bar between my mattress and box spring.  She even went so far as to suggest that I get some of those little hotel soaps and keep them in my pocket.  And since the "advisor" was my mom -- with 20 years actual medical experience -- I did.

And wouldn't you know it?  About eight weeks later, my back issue was resolved.  Of course, it could've been the months of physical therapy.  Or, it could've been the prescription drugs, which, at the very least, altered my thinking sufficiently so I found it entirely reasonable to order $300 worth of "Steals and Deals" from The Today Show website one Thursday morning.  While I was at home.  Not at work.  In other words, squandering money while not making money.

Or, it could've been that little white cake of Dial.

In any event, I got back on my feet, and in January, got back into training.  Now, tomorrow morning, I aim to complete a 10K run across the Cooper River Bridge.

And, yes, tonight I'll be sleeping with a bar of soap.  Just in case. 

Sadly I haven't lost a single pound (what the aitch?) while preparing for the run, even though I've been eating pretty healthily.  One of our current favorites is this simple Caesar Salad with Parmesan Crisps.  I'll post the recipe soon -- but for now, I've got to run!


Elizabeth DeLoach said...

Oh, this is great post! I can feel your wit and personality just shining through. I think we're going to have to be blog friends, Cheri!

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